Jumpilates xxii: Advanced Jump Board Part IV with Helen Tardent

Jumpilates xxii: Advanced Jump Board Part IV with Helen Tardent

Helen Tardent from Pilates Moves & Emergy Pilates guides you through an advanced level Reformer & Jump Board sequence.

The Jumpboard exercises are:
Side lying Jump Board sequence with the Chi Ball.

The focus is:
Side lying Jump Board sequence with the Chi Ball: Lateral stability, hip disassociation, & activation of quadriceps (front of thighs, which are involved in hip & knee flexion), hamstrings (back of thighs, which are involved in the lowering phase and the explosive phase of a jump, hip flexors (front of hip, which are involved when you flex your hip), calves (which are involved in plantar-flexing your foot as you jump off the ground and point your toes downward), & leg abductors (outer thighs).

This sequence is suitable for:
Low-risk apparently healthy advanced Pilates Reformer instructors & students.

You will need:
A Reformer & Chi Ball.

This sequence is part 4 of 8 segments of the Jumpilates xxxix Class.

Jumpilates xxii: Advanced Jump Board Part IV with Helen Tardent